Friday, October 27, 2006

Just got back from Cape Tribulation (another rainforest). We're leaving Cairns tonight to go to Townsville. We saw some giant lizards and a crocodile. Met some cool people and drank a few too many nights in a row. Oh, and I went skydiving. It was really surreal, and I didn't actually feel like I was falling at all. The freefall time was 60 seconds (14000 feet) and it seemed even longer...but in a good way. The landing was smooth, and I didn't die, which leads me to believe that I'm invincible. I'm going to go kick a kangaroo in the groin to see what happens. There are also a lot of Koalas in Townsville. I think I'll go provoke them. Untill next Time!


Blogger Casey said...

i could not be more jealous. skydiving you crazy mofo! thats soo awesome. but i wouldn't test the whole invincibility theory, kangaroos have a mean temper. they'll bust a cap in your ass...b/c apparently they're gangta.

is there such thing as halloween down there? if so, what are you going to be? i was a clown one night, it was pure shits. then i had my choice of slutty white ninja or slutty nurse, or a slut. girls costumes are ridiculous. clearly i chose the ninja.

Shelley replies: i crossed the road today and didn't get hit by a car. i must be invincible! i just wanted you to know that my life is just as exciting as yours. i won't be outdone by the likes of you!

george and mike say HELLLOOOOOOO and both hope you're having a swell time.

3:04 PM  
Blogger your friends in Japan said...

Go fight a stingray, Invinceable man! You can do it, I KNOW you can!

Also, Casey, I have discovered that Canadians and Americans are the only people who have "real" Halloween - where kids dress up and go trick-or-treating, and whatnot.
At least if you're a slutty ninja you can kill the people who try to take advantage of you.


3:53 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

Turns out I'm not invincible. I was attacked by a Koala today. Well not really, but one almost shat on me. Casey, good costume selection. Ninjas are awsome. And Ian has a point about the self defense. And yeah, probably shouldn't mess with the gangstaroos. Shelley, be careful crossing the street. Look both ways. No need to be a daredevil.

4:04 PM  

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