Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Yes, there will be pictures some day. The computers here are all protected in such a way that you can't get at the tower, and thus, so pictures can be loaded...But someday! I'm currently residing in Byron Bay. It's my third day here, and so far it's been great. Nice little town, lots of people our age and good surfing. Yesterday we went to "Jim's Alternative Tours", which is basically a hippie guided tour to a town called Nimbin, a hippie guys home/farm (he's fully self sufficient and lives off the land) and a canyon with a waterfall. We're thinking of spending a night or two in Nimbin. The town is full of strange people. Most of the economy of the town is centered around marijuana in some way...weed cafes, hippie arts and crafts...Special cookies...
I bought a sandwich, and the old lady who served it was either really high or had dementia. Ian: "Could I get peppers on my sandwich" Old lady: "hahahahaha"(maniacal laugh) Ian: "ummm..." Justin: "Could I get some peppers too?" Old lady: "what would you like to eat?" Justin: "I already ordered" Old lady: "what did you want?" Justin: "ummm....You already made my sandwich." Old lady "..." Justin: "We both were just wondering if we could get some peppers on our sandwiches" Old lady: "oh. That's what I meant. Hahhahahahaha" She hands puts tomatoes on our sandwiches. Ian:"umm could I get mine without tomatoes?" Old lady: "Oh, it's just one...It's my signature" Ian: "Yeah, but-" She puts the tomato on. Old lady: "there you are, enjoy boys!" Ian: "ummm...Peppers...*sigh* thank you..."
Needless to say, we're going back there. The hippie guy was a crazy character too...He didn't even introduce himself. He just emerged from the bushes and started talking about the mechanics of blow darts. Apparently bassoon players are good at shooting blow darts because of their strong diaphragms.

Well, that's all for now.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were on the verge of rolling the world's largest joint in Holland, than the cops caught wind of it. Check out the story:

7:07 AM  
Blogger Casey said...

Hey Lust, I'll take some of those cookies as well! They will help me put up with your mother calling every five minutes asking if I've replied to your blog.Bet you wish you had your video camera so you could tape some of these strange people. It would make a great movie!Be safe!
Auntie Belle

5:36 PM  
Blogger Casey said...

Nimbin soounds like pure shits. thats hiliarous. did the old lady sandwhich maker have googly eyes? i seem to picture her with googly eyes. tomatoes are her signature lmao. i think i'm going to start doing that at work, but i'll substitute tomatoes with mint ice cream. someone will order a ceasar salad, with just one scoop of mint on the side, because its my signature. wtf haha. i might get fired, but it's well worth the cause.

a city that thrives off weed products...thats pretty slick. this sounds like a place to settle down.

5:45 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

Cookies for everyone! I just hope the post office doesn't catch wind of it. They also have special chocolate and special cake.
Father, Why don't you try feeding some of the cookies to your students? That might help you as well.
Mother, drugs are bad. I learned that if you do drugs, you end up like the people in Nimbin.
Belle, I was thinking the exact same thing. I'd love to make a documentary about the people in that town.
Casey, of course she had googly eyes. One would look at you, and the other would look at the wall, and then they would switch. Mint ice cream is an excellent idea. If your boss gets mad, just tell him you're an artist.

6:25 PM  
Blogger your friends in Japan said...

Justin. Stay in Nimbin and you'll never have to think hard to come up with writing material.
Pure comedy GOLD, that place!!!


8:37 PM  
Blogger maureen said...

Hi cuz,
Don't eat those brownies or you'll turn into a hippy and your eyes will go in opposite directions and you'll forget what to put on your sandwich, like is it peanut butter and mustard, or peanut butter and mayonaise, or jelly and spinach or jelly and tomotoes...what was I talking about, oh yeh, and so when the girl went down the slide, she landed on the dog, who was so angry he bit the pumpkin and it fell off the porch...wait a minute, where was I , oh yea, so then I paid for the bracelet at the mall I realized I had a coupon, so it only cost me $6.00, isn't that far out, like really cool man. I just can't believe how neat that is, wow man, like so unreal...wait a minute,
who are you, no really, who is this that I'm writing to.. please respond asap, this is really bothering me...oh man..

9:49 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

the answer is Jelly and spinach. As for who I am. I'm not entirely sure yet. If I reversed the question, could you answer it?

4:20 PM  

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